Uncategorized — September 12, 2013 at 6:50 am

Arup Community Engagement Celebrates Peace One Day

The Community Engagement Network is campaigning to raise awareness about the Peace One Day organisation and Peace Day on 21 September, 2013.

Peace One Day is an organisation founded by Jeremy Gilley (filmmaker) to institutionalise Peace Day on 21 September; “making it a day that is self-sustaining, an annual day of global unity, a day of intercultural cooperation on a scale that humanity has never known”.

One of many great results of this campaign has been that “member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September – Peace Day”.

Nations around the world continue to be affected by conflicts, wars, disputes and terrorism. It is important that we take action to promote peace in our families, community, society and the world as a whole, in the hope that those disrupting peace will hear the message and reconsider their actions.

This year’s theme is: Who will you make peace with?

Take one step, no matter how small, to promote peace.

We encourage you to join the campaign on the Peace One Day website: www.peaceoneday.org

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