Habitat for Humanity

Shelter is a basic human need. Living in a decent shelter can mean better economic opportunities, a greater sense of community with improved health, hygiene and education. It also helps to break the poverty cycle.

Simple, Affordable Homes

Founded in 1976, Habitat for Humanity, operates as a not-for-profit, global organisation that aims to build simple, decent and affordable housing in partnership with people in need. With the help of organisations such as Arup it has helped more than two million people build over 400,000 houses.

In support of Habitat for Humanity, Arup provides donations, advice and assistance on new builds, rehabilitations and repairs for simple affordable homes in sustainable communities. Our experts assist in building sustainable housing, water and sanitation facilities as well as constructing schools and community facilities.

Building Communities

This year, Habitat for Humanity Australia and Nepal began a two year project to construct 250 houses, 250 toilets and 60 wells for female headed households.

In March 2011, 100 Australian women travelled to Itahari in Eastern Nepal to build the first 10 houses, which has already changed the lives of ten Nepalese rural women and their families who didn’t have homes of their own. Arup donated $20,000 to this project and sponsored four Australian women to make the journey. These women were also involved in fundraising activities to assist with airfare and additional contributions for building materials and the labour costs of the houses.

In concert with Habitat for Humanity around the world, 10 Arup employees from Singapore volunteered to help in a Batam Build in Indonesia. Arup is raising funds to send participants to the Nine Dragons Build in Vietnam – a mission to build homes for Vietnamese families in need. The Arup team will raise funds for the project and travel to Vietnam and work with Habitat for Humanity to build seven homes alongside the home partners and the community.

While closer to home, Arup is providing sponsorship for the Yea Heights project in Victoria and assisting families affected by the Black Saturday Bushfires.

Arup and Habitat for Humanity

Volunteering for Fire Recovery0
on March 17, 2014 at 11:49 pm / in Habitat for Humanity, Sydney

Volunteering for Fire Recovery

15 February 2014 This project was a follow up on the first Brush With Kindness day on 17th January 2014. This time, Arup volunteers along with their friends and family [...]

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Typhoon Haiyan Response0
on February 11, 2014 at 12:13 am / in Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne, Perth, Singapore, Sydney

Typhoon Haiyan Response

A salary sacrifice donation program was implemented in Arup’s Australasia Region to provide much needed support to the Philippines which suffered widespread devastation after Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013. Referred [...]

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Habitat for Humanity Takes Over Martin Place0
on October 24, 2013 at 5:07 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Sydney

Habitat for Humanity Takes Over Martin Place

World Habitat Day, on 1 October 2013, highlights the status of urban poor across the world and the increasing number of slum dwellers in desperate need of adequate housing, water [...]

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Brush With Kindness – Buxton0
on October 24, 2013 at 4:53 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne

Brush With Kindness – Buxton

On Saturday, 12 October 2013, a group of Arupians + partners headed out to Buxton for Habitat for Humanity’s National Brush with Kindness day. After a relatively early start, we [...]

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Yea Housing Estate – Two More House Handovers0
on August 22, 2013 at 4:08 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne

Yea Housing Estate – Two More House Handovers

On Saturday, 20 July 2013 a ceremony was held to celebrate the handover of two more homes that form part of Habitat for Humanity’s Yea Housing Estate Project (established in response to [...]

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Yea Vacationer Community Day0
on March 12, 2013 at 4:11 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne

Yea Vacationer Community Day

The Yea Heights Estate in Victoria is a development of 25 homes which are being built for families who were affected by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Arup has been [...]

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Yea Handover0
on December 19, 2012 at 4:59 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne

Yea Handover

Three years after the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, two new homes were recently handed over to families at Yea in Victoria, Australia. Part of the Habitat for Humanity’s [...]

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Yea Blitz Build #30
on November 13, 2012 at 5:36 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne

Yea Blitz Build #3

Yea Blitz Build Number 3, Saturday, 27 October 2012 A team of 21 volunteers made up of Arup staff and friends, family and partners traveled to Yea on Saturday,  27 October [...]

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the construction team!0
on June 8, 2012 at 2:20 am / in Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne

Yea Heights Construction Phase

Arup has been working with Habitat for Humanity since 2010 to design, develop and finally help in the construction of the Yea Heights Estate in Victoria, Australia. The project looks [...]

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Nine Dragons Build, Vietnam0
on May 5, 2012 at 3:44 pm / in Brisbane, Habitat for Humanity, Melbourne, Partnerships

Nine Dragons Build, Vietnam

Amongst the interesting articles in the Autumn edition of the Habitat for Humanity Newsletter is a great article on the Nine Dragons build. Please click here to read about the [...]

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