Engineers Without Borders Australia
Effective sanitation and waste systems, access to energy and clean drinking water is basic infrastructure that we all take for granted in the developed world.
In many countries and remote locations however, this infrastructure simply doesn’t exist. Improving the quality of life in these disadvantaged communities is a vision shared by both Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) and Arup.
Serving Basic Human Needs
Working closely with secondary and tertiary institutions, professional associations and industry leaders, EWB assists communities to gain access to the knowledge, resources and appropriate technologies they need to improve their livelihoods.
Not only does Arup provide funds, we also teach and help implement fundamental engineering programs that provide innovative and sustainable solutions.
Bridging Cultures
The Shipton’s Flat project in far north Queensland is a collaboration between EWB, Arup and various companies working alongside the Kunawarra clan. This aboriginal community’s vision is to develop a healing centre that includes natural resource management, eco-tourism and drug and alcohol facilities.
The project involves the design and construction of an eco-sensitive amenities block on the site including a basic shelter and a water supply.
For Arup volunteers, especially first-time visitors to the outback, the experience has been invaluable to their own growth and development. A key highlight of the construction process was the two way knowledge sharing that took place between the aboriginal and non-aboriginal volunteers on the site.
The collaboration has also enabled Arup to further strengthen its commitment to sustainable development throughout the world.
Projects such as Shipton’s Flat as well as invitations to the annual EWB forum have given us the opportunity to learn more about humanitarian work in Australia and abroad.
Arup and Engineers Without Borders Australia
on June 27, 2014 at 6:14 am / in Engineers Without Borders Australia, Singapore
A longstanding NGO, the Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) is situated in Mae Sot, Thailand, bordering Burma/Myanmar, with a predominantly Burmese population. MTC fills a gap in healthcare services by serving [...]
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on May 23, 2014 at 1:23 am / in Brisbane, Engineers Without Borders Australia
Murra Murra Project Update 23rd May 2014 In 2010, five Arup staff joined an EWB project team to provide improved water and sanitation for Kooma Traditional Owners Association (KTOAI) at [...]
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on March 18, 2014 at 12:12 am / in Brisbane, Engineers Without Borders Australia, Melbourne
In January 2014 Elissa Ward (from Melbourne) and Matt Sorenson (from Brisbane), took part in the Engineers Without Borders Dialogues on Development study tour in India. Elissa talks about her [...]
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on April 19, 2013 at 1:19 am / in Brisbane, Engineers Without Borders Australia
In January 2013 Sean Keown, an engineer from our Brisbane office was selected to take part in the Engineers Without Borders Dialogues on Development study tour in Cambodia. Sean writes [...]
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on January 25, 2013 at 4:54 am / in Engineers Without Borders Australia, Melbourne, Singapore
In early December, Edwin Fung (Melbourne), Daniel Lambert and Brendon Mills (both Singapore) from Arup visited the site of the Kathirweli Tsunami Reconstruction project in Sri Lanka. The goal of [...]
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on January 16, 2013 at 1:11 am / in Engineers Without Borders Australia, Sydney
At the end of 2012, Arup’s Lucy Keatinge participated in the Engineers Without Borders 16-day Study Tour of the Murray Darling Basin, which included visiting Traditional Owners and developing communities [...]
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on June 19, 2012 at 4:56 am / in Engineers Without Borders Australia, Melbourne, Partnerships
The Shiptons Flat Amenities Project (Bana Yarralji Ranger Base) was recently announced as the winner of the Partnership category award at the Queensland Reconciliation awards. For the past four years, [...]
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on April 17, 2012 at 6:49 am / in Adelaide, Engineers Without Borders Australia, Singapore, Sydney
Over the course of three weeks three of our staff Jillian Robinson (Sydney), Vivien Foo (Singapore) and Hannah Sharp (Adelaide) travelled throughout urban and rural India alongside Engineers without Borders on the Development [...]
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on March 19, 2012 at 5:31 am / in Brisbane, Engineers Without Borders Australia
On 14 March Arup attended the inaugural Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Careers Fair at South Bank in Brisbane – the first event of its kind held in Australia. With fellow [...]
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on February 14, 2012 at 4:12 am / in Engineers Without Borders Australia
2011, the ‘Year of Humanitarian Engineering’ showed us the immense power of doing. It also reaffirmed the ability the engineering industry has to make significant and lasting impacts on communities [...]
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