Sydney — September 30, 2013 at 1:59 am

Arup at the Be What You Want Sydney ‘Inspo!’

Be What You Want runs “Inspo’s!” which are interactive career expos dedicated to exposing young people from underprivileged backgrounds to career paths they may not have considered.

The Be What You Want team are passionately committed to giving young people access to inspiration and ongoing support so that they can build sustainable futures for themselves. Inspo’s! invite motivational speakers and businesses to engage with the attendees and to conduct hands on and fun activities.

 Sydney hosted Inspo! on 11 September 2013 at Sydney Town Hall. Harry Karabalis and Craig Riley from Arup attended the event to explain the role of engineers and of Arup within the broader community. They informed not only the participants, but group leaders, event staff and other companies about the work that Arup conducts and some of the projects we are working on. A bridge building exercise allowed everyone to participate as engineers and the feedback was extremely positive.

 You can learn more at the Be What You Want website.

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