Property Industry Foundation

There’s a misconception in our society that homeless individuals are middle-aged or older. However, almost 40% of Australia’s homeless are aged between 12 and 24.

Youth homelessness in Australia is a major concern with tens of thousands of often abused and neglected children and young people living on the streets.

Rehabilitation, Education, Care

Getting these young people off the streets and into caring environments is the work of the Property Industry Foundation (PIF). As an organisation that unifies the property and construction industry to support community programs, PIF helps these young individuals live a more fulfilling life.

Each year, donations of more than $1.5 million is raised in Sydney and Melbourne and distributed to some 20 children’s charities.

As members of the construction industry, Arup keenly supports this worthwhile organisation and its endeavours.

Making A Difference

Like PIF, we strongly believe that these disadvantaged individuals need rehabilitation, education, and care. Working alongside organisations such as PIF to help disaffected youth is inherent in our philosophy to shape a better world. Every child deserves an equal chance to a better future. Arup donates funds and expertise to help make a difference.

Providing skills, funds and participating in activities such as National Hard Hat day and Worker Bee days, is an invaluable experience for our volunteers. It’s an eye opener to how extensive the problem of youth homelessness is in our own region, and gives our volunteers the opportunity to help a cause that is close to home.

To get involved, you can join the PropertyBlitz group for young community-minded leaders to help with Workabees, event support and fundraising events. The PAExclusive group helps with hands-on activities to help more homeless kids such fundraising for, purchasing, wrapping and distributing winter woollies, and stationery items; and taking young disadvantaged kids out for a day of fund and escapism.

Arup and the Property Industry Foundation

Home Rejuvenation for Children of the Lighthouse Foundation0
on May 30, 2012 at 2:50 am / in Melbourne, Property Industry Foundation

Home Rejuvenation for Children of the Lighthouse Foundation

The Property Industry Foundation (PIF) in conjunction with the Property Blitz Committee has carried out what is probably the biggest workabee so far for the Lighthouse Foundation.

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PIF PropertyBlitz Workabee1
on September 14, 2011 at 2:20 am / in Melbourne, Partnerships, Property Industry Foundation

PIF PropertyBlitz Workabee

Last month a handful of Arup volunteers took part in a Property Industry Foundation workabee. Our mission was to paint, sand, clean, scrape, dig and mulch our way through a run down home and its overgrown [...]

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PIF Property Blitz – Sunshine0
on September 10, 2010 at 12:16 am / in Melbourne, Property Industry Foundation

PIF Property Blitz – Sunshine

In August 2010 a large Arup crew did a Property Blitz to help the Melbourne City Mission emergency accommodation shelter for youth at risk in Sunshine. The works included gardening [...]

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