Cairns, The Smith Family — September 10, 2013 at 12:43 am

Highlighting Career Paths with The Smith Family

Arup in Cairns was invited by The Smith Family Learning for Life Centre to attend a worker to student event on Thursday 4th of September at Cairns West State School. The purpose of the worker to student event was to enable a select group of high performing students on the LFL program to get post-school options advice from real working professionals.

Brendan Fingleton from Arup, Simon Towle from the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs (DATSIMA) and Brad McCulloch from Queensland Health formed a panel to discuss their career with students and parents.

It was amazing to find out that all three speakers had similar subjects they were passionate about at school that led them to where they are today.

Simon Towle had a keen interest in science and the arts, and studied environmental law/environmental planning and geography at university. He has had an amazing career history; a journalist for the NZ Herald, a National Parks ranger, an environmental scientist in Antarctica, a radio jockey in the UK, and solving waste management issues in PNG before landing a role at DATSIMA in Cairns.

Brad McCulloch was the first member of his family to go to university, and studied nuclear physics and chemistry. He has taught at JCU, taken on a computer programming role, and is currently an Epidemiologist for QLD Health. He has recently commenced a part time law degree, another passion of his!

Brendan had a keen interest in maths, physics, science and art, and after seeking some career guidance at high school was pointed in the direction of engineering. He highlighted the amazing travel opportunities not only within Arup but in our industry as a whole – and he is a good example coming to Cairns all the way from Ireland!

The main points reiterated to the students were study what you are interested in and passionate about; grasp the opportunity to undertake work experience and get a feel for your chosen career path; and never be afraid to ask for guidance from community business leaders; we are all here to help you make an informed choice.

Feedback from the students:

“Enjoyed the life stories of the speakers.”

“I was confused of what I should do in the future but the speakers gave me helpful advice.”

“(The session)…helped me have a better idea what life has ahead for me.”

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