Landcare, Melbourne — June 29, 2012 at 7:23 am

Urban Landcare Challenge

On a brisk winter’s day in June, Arup was able to rally 6 environmental enthusiasts for the Landcare Urban Challenge. Volunteers were out in the elements at Westgate Park – just a short trip from Melbourne’s CBD – doing their bit to help transform and care for a unique urban habitat.

  • certificate presentation
  • westgate park
  • boomeranging excellence.
  • tree planting
  • clearning the non-natives
  • mulching
  • braving the elements
  • Landcare
  • new native plants
  • hard at work

Westgate Park in Melbourne was once an inner-city wasteland, but thanks to Landcare Australia this historical area has been transformed into an urban hub for biodiversity – a real urban renewal success story!

The day started with a welcome to country from a local aboriginal elder, before the work began. We rotated between mulching, planting new trees, and cutting back old and non-indigenous species – a good chance to get out of the office and exercise! The day finished off with a tour of the park, introduction to native animals, and some games. The Arup team was proud to see their own come out victorious – with Perry Jackson leaving the day with the award of the best boomerang throw– a feat quite impressive for the New Zealander.

The day summary:
 5 sites around the park provided a range of activities – pruning, planting to mulching
 11 companies supported their employee teams to volunteer for the day
 67 corporate volunteers contributed over 350 hours to intensive on-ground work
 80 cubic meters of mulch was distributed
 250 cubic meters of non-indigenous plants were removed
 957 native seedlings were planted

Thanks and congratulations go out to: Perry Jackson, John Legge-Wilkinson, Jenny Bowtell, Michael O’Neill, Jon Morgan and Luke Treadwell for getting involved and making it a great experience.

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