Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney — April 11, 2012 at 4:48 am

CSR review ranks Arup in Australia’s top 15

Arup has been recognised for continual leadership in the area of corporate social responsibility, by Australia’s peak body for CSR, Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ACCSR).
Announced as part of the ACCSR’s State of CSR in Australia Annual Review 2011-2012, Arup is considered a pioneer in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), joining other top companies including ABC, BHP Billiton and NAB.

The State of CSR in Australia is one of the largest ongoing research projects on CSR in the world and the biggest ongoing survey of CSR practice and performance in Australia.


“Over the last three years we have continually improved our score in this survey, which reaffirms that we take our commitment to shaping a sustainable future very seriously.”

Corporate social responsibility is not just a policy at Arup, it’s a way of working, it’s embedded in everything we do,  and we are honoured to again rank amongst the top companies in this review.”

- Peter Bailey, Chairman of Arup in Australasia


The State of CSR in Australia  review found the main priority for CSR in Australia this year was responding to Australia’s new carbon pricing regime, with one quarter of respondents nominating ‘carbon/carbon tax’ as the issue that will be highest priority for their organisation in 2012.

With a focus on innovation through CSR, the report revealed a big divide between those who do and those who don’t innovate.


There is a distinct divide between high-scoring companies – the pioneers – and those who are still developing their capabilities.  CSR  pioneers are  achieving reduced costs, strengthened reputation and competitive advantage and avoiding the damaging consequences of poor performance such as litigation,” said ACCSR Managing Director Dr Leeora Black.


Find out more about the issues and priorities that are driving CSR in Australia this year.


Find out more about our engagement with humanitarian and charitable causes.

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