Singapore — January 9, 2012 at 1:16 am

Investing in Kenya’s future

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Arup Helps Design the Tana River Education Centre

The Tana River Education Centre is a community project that aims to empower the poor and culturally disadvantaged children of Tana Delta through early childhood development. Arup, together with architectural firm Aedas, is developing the project’s concept design for structural and water engineering. Arup is also providing technical support and guidelines on sustainable and environmentally-sensitive construction practices for implementation in Kenya.

Sustainable development and management of resource is a high priority of the project; the vision was to provide viable alternatives to rural community development, as opposed to the usual resource-intensive practices. Our water engineers used this opportunity to implement sustainable technologies (such as rainwater and stormwater harvesting) to help future-proof the community’s economic development. A comprehensive water management plan is also in development, for future implementation beyond the Education Centre’s construction timetable.

The project site is located near Idsowe Village, and has gathered the support of the local community. The 12-acre plot where the Education Centre will be built was donated by the Idsowe Village Council of Elders.

Education for the entire community

The Education Centre will provide integrated education to the local community, with the aim of filling gaps in the local rural public school system. It hopes to provide schooling to a wider section of the local population, reaching the marginalized segments of local society. Facilities include an early childhood development centre, a primary and a secondary school. It also addresses wider needs by providing a community development centre, staff and visitor accommodation, a technical training centre, a cooperative trade centre and a community social centre.

The project will also serve as an agricultural center of excellence for the Tana River valley, educating locals about farming best practice.

Construction on the educational centre is expected to begin early next year. Arup will provide a schematic design report to local architects and builders for construction and implementation.

This building project is funded through a Malaysian benefactor, Mr Gabriel Teo Kian Chong. Mr. Teo founded the Tana River Life Foundation in Idsowe Village, Kenya as part of his vision to help the Tana River Delta communities.

To find out more please visit the Tana River Life Foundation



  • Hi, thanks for this article. Will be linking to this from, a blog by volunteers of Tana River Life Foudation. Can we have this article link to please ? This is the official website of the foundation. Thanks,

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