Amongst the interesting articles in the Autumn edition of the Habitat for Humanity Newsletter is a great article on the Nine Dragons build. Please click here to read about the Nine Dragons build and other great work that HfH is doing
8 December 2011
Many families in the Mekong Delta Region struggle in everyday life, earning a small income, often through agriculture or other informal income generating activities. The conditions for these families are deteriorating due to climate change, which is also putting increased pressure on the safety and wellbeing of these families.
This build, the ’Nine Dragons Build’, is one part of a holistic and diverse development project run by Habitat for Humanity (HfH) which will be delivered over an 18 month period. It goes beyond just building homes for families, these families will also receive life skills training. This reflects the HfH philosophy of a providing a hand up, not a hand out.
The build involves three Arup staff travelling with a larger group of HfH volunteers to Long An in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. Their goal is to build homes alongside HfH home partners, with the aim of assisting more than 125 families. Like many of the Habitat for Humanity Builds, it is a ‘hands on’ project, so with site boots packed the participants were keen to begin…
To follow Rebecca Wright’s experience you can visit her project blog: Sharing 9 Dragons