Emergency Architects Australia — August 23, 2011 5:27 am

Assessing flood damaged homes

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During late December 2010 and early January 2011, significant and widespread flooding affected many areas of Queensland with three quarters of the state declared a disaster zone. The scale of damage and loss in the floods affecting South East Queensland was catastrophic.

As part of the recovery process and under a program led by Emergency Architects Australia (EAA), seven Arup structural engineers from the Brisbane office spent a few months providing independent pro-bono assessments on damaged homes in the Ipswich and Lockyer Valley regions.

Building New Foundations

It was, as one Arup volunteer said, a perfect opportunity for Arup to support the flood-affected community and EAA’s program. Both organisations share a common interest in designing and building sustainable structures while working together on charitable causes.

The EAA program specifically provided homeowners with specialist advice to determine the level of damage to their homes as well as offer options for reconstruction.

Of the 230 assessments undertaken by EAA, Arup completed 25 structural assessments.  Given the extent of the damage, the task wasn’t easy and a number of factors needed to be considered.

Many houses, for example, suffered major structural damage with signs of asbestos, cracking, deflected floors and roof beams, timber decay, material corrosion, foundation movement and so on.

Getting People Back On Their Feet

For many residents it was an emotional time. For Arup senior engineer Stephen Davies it was both a difficult and rewarding experience.

“Seeing firsthand the extent of damage to people’s houses is confronting, but at the same time, it is a great feeling to be able to provide people with essential information on the structural condition of their property. This, in conjunction with the EEA architectural information, can assist people to get back on their feet quicker.

“Through this worthwhile program, homeowners are better informed about their options and feel less daunted by the process of going through the building approvals process and dealing with builders.”

Continuing Support

In response to the floods and Cyclone Yasi in Queensland, Arup also coordinated a national staff fundraising and donation appeal to assist the victims of these natural disasters, raising $35,000 for the Premier’s Flood Appeal.

Arup continues to work with its clients and collaborators providing immediate and medium-term support on key projects and required infrastructure following the floods.

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