Brisbane — January 9, 2013 at 3:14 am

Kidding Around for Camp Quality

Throughout the last week of November in 2012, the Brisbane office Community Partnering Committee took the office back in time to rekindle the inner child of staff members – all for a good cause! It was in support of Camp Quality, a charity that does incredible work supporting families with children suffering from cancer. The office-wide fundraising campaign kicked off first thing Monday morning with staff arriving at work to find the office decorated with brightly coloured balloons and Camp Quality smiley face images on the walls, as well as a gift on their desk. The gift was a Mr Giggles keyring, the cute and cheerful Camp Quality official mascot. Staff were encouraged to use Mr Giggles as part of the photo competition to be judged at the end of the week. A target of $2,500 was set and ready to be achieved.

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The morning tea launch was a great success with so many people attending that staff were spilling out of the room into the reception area, a first for any fundraising event held in the office. This may have had something to do with the senior leaders who donned colourful wigs and t-shirts encouraging staff to come along! Julie from Camp Quality spoke about the wonderful activities and the support Camp Quality offers children living with cancer and their families. This was followed by a very special and touching visit from the Jenkins family. Their honest and heartfelt story of their son Reece and his journey with cancer was so powerful and moving that by Monday afternoon the target of $2,500 was already achieved.

Various activities were held during the week to take staff back to the good old childhood days with a kid’s party in the courtyard complete with handball, hopscotch and party food, as well as TV time with popcorn and lollies in the workshop area space. The event concluded on the Friday with a crazy dress up day, pizza and Friday afternoon drinks. Prizes were given for the best dressed and for the Mr Giggles photo competition held during the week. A little healthy competition between the teams on Level 3 over how many team members were dressed up pushed the grand total raised to $5,900, well over double our initial target!

The generosity of staff was overwhelming and the fun and laughter that buzzed through the office during the week was contagious.

1 Comment

  • I can definitely vouch for the fun atmosphere that this fundraising campaign created throughout the office – it was fantastic to see so many people getting involved!! The ‘passport to play’ was also a great idea. A very worthwhile event indeed, and very unique : )

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