Desert Knowledge Australia, Melbourne — October 8, 2012 at 5:45 am

Creating a Future for Desert Regions

As an initiative for our Community Partnering Program (CPP), our office in Melbourne hosted the Desert Knowledge Australia (DKA) Youth Desert Leadership Programme on 18 September, in which 12 secondary students participated. The programme develops skills and capabilities of the next generation of people living in remote Australia. It addresses the challenges of the desert, ensuring a sustainable way of life in outback communities.

Our staff concluded the day with workshops and presentations. The students also presented on the perceptions of life in Alice Springs and Melbourne and we took them on site tours of our Sound Lab and the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA). To finish, the students presented to our clients and staff on their ideas for an arts and entertainment precinct for Alice Springs to support tourism in their home town.

For the past three years CPP has worked in partnership with DKA on a range of projects, including the Desert Leadership Programme.

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