On Friday 10th of February Arup offices around Australia held Wear Red For RedR events to raise awareness and money for the work that RedR does.
In Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Cairns and Perth there was a sea of red as staff members dressed in their brightest red outfits and held fundraising morning teas. Staff were shown several inspiring videos highlighting the many humanitarian projects that RedR members participate in worldwide. The Brisbane office was even lucky enough to have Peter Hynes from the Queensland Reds and Wallabies to help announce their lucky door prize! In total nearly $2000 was raised to help fund RedR.
In Melbourne RedR CEO Alan McLean was present to talk about RedR and the work that it does. He left us with the following message for staff:
Thankyou for your enthusiasm this morning
For new staff there, I hope I sowed a seed. For longer-serving staff who are familiar with RedR, it was more nurturing a seed which Arup has enabled us to sow previously.
If tonight’s meal (or pint after work) involves each person telling someone else that RedR Australia recruits and selects, trains and prepares, then deploys and supports capable people into frontline response to international disasters and emergencies, the day will have met the objective of awareness-raising.
If you would like to know more about RedR and how you could use your skills to become involved you can visit their website here.
Two of the videos shown to our staff are also available on YouTube you can view them below:
RedR Australia; Real People, Real Stories – Daryll
RedR Australia; Real People, Real Stories – Nicole