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Arup Community Engagement



Over Christmas 2014, Hong Kong office staff, Albert Ho, joined the Sower's Action ‘Walk for Children’ to visit Shuifu Sowers Children’s Welfare Home in Yunnan, China.

The 6-day itinerary aimed to raise funds for the orphanage and allowed volunteers to have a taste of life in rural China. It was Albert’s second visit there since his last presence officiating its opening. The occupancy has now increased from the initial 30 odd to the present 57 and they have grown from their original poor and sickly appearance to healthy and happy looking children – thanks to all those whose contributed to the caring of them.

Albert joined various interactive activities in teams with the children, including organised adventures and some graffiti painting on the external wall of the Children’s Home. He also completed a walk of over 20km on the nearby hill to raise funds.

Arup has been supportive in various Sower's Action events and is currently exploring ways to further our supports in form of expertise and skills. This trip also served as an initial site visit for the reconstruction of the site.

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