Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Partner overview

RedR Australia selects, trains and provides highly-skilled and competent technical specialists to humanitarian relief programs worldwide. With a strong and growing register, RedR Australia has gained a worldwide reputation for its skills, knowledge and expertise. As an organisation, it delivers highly-skilled and trained technical experts to on-going humanitarian efforts around the globe.

Delivering emergency assistance poses many challenges. RedR Australia runs an extensive training program in humanitarian relief with a particular focus on realistic scenario exercises to equip participants with the skills to respond quickly when working in humanitarian emergencies. These specialists are called upon by the United Nations and international and national non-government organisations to assist in the aftermath of large scale natural disasters and protracted humanitarian emergencies.

RedR Australia was established in 1992 by an engineer, Jeff Dobell, who called on his peers to apply their skills to disaster relief. Founding President of RedR Australia, the late Professor Fred Hollows, challenged Australian engineers to apply their ingenuity and resources to the alleviation of suffering, wherever it occurred.

For Arup, being aligned with RedR enables us to participate in disaster relief work with an organisation that is often the first point of contact for such notable organisations such as the United Nations, ACFID and AusAID.

Having a long standing association with this not-for-profit humanitarian organisation including a former Australasian CEO on the RedR board of directors, Arup provides annual donations and gives ongoing support each year for Wear Red for RedR. In addition, Arup supports staff to be on the register and participate in international assignments.


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