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Arup Community Engagement



Team members Charlotte and Steven visited FRANK Water projects in India where they were working on the development of an environmental assessment tool with the FRANK team

An Arup team has been developing a tool for FRANK Water to use with their NGO partners to assess the environmental impacts of their water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions. The intention is to develop an overarching environmental assessment tool and action plan which can improve the sustainability of FRANK Water's projects, and contribute to greater understanding, reporting and action on environmental aspects in the WASH sector. This tool can be specialised for different types of interventions and different NGO partners.

Team members Charlotte and Steven have recently returned from a trip to India where they were working with FRANK Water and their India-based NGO partner, Visakha Jilla Nava Nirvana Samithi (VJNNS). FRANK and VJNNS develop gravity-fed water systems in remote mountainous areas in Andhra Pradesh, providing safe and accessible water for marginalised communities. The Arup team visited a number of these systems and communities, and worked with the team in India to develop a tool which can be incorporated into VJNNS's existing process to assess the environmental impacts of their systems. VJNNS will be trialling the tool over the next few months on a number of their proposed systems.

In the meantime the Arup team will be working with FRANK Water in the UK on consolidating the tool and getting it to the stage where it can be shared on a wider platform.

If you would like any further information or are interested in getting involved in this project, please get in touch with .

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