Arup, for their strategic partners Engineers Without Borders UK (EWB-UK) organise awareness cum fundraising event ‘Jazzy Shirt Day’ annually where employees participate and raise funds for the charity. Every year employees get a chance to put their jazziest attire on and raise awareness plus fund for EWB-UK charity.
In October 2013, over 200 employees from 16 offices across UKMEA region participated in the annual ‘Jazzy Shirt Day’ to raise £1,617 for the charity. The money raised supports EWB-UK to fund valuable charity work all over the world.
EWB-UK is an international development organisation that removes barriers to development through engineering. Its programmes specifically help young engineers learn about technology’s role in tackling poverty.
Arup has been a key collaborator of EWB-UK since the charity was founded in 2001 and continues to support them with both cash donations worth £10,000 plus volunteering across EWB-UK programmes equivalent to £100,000 every year.
Robert Care from Arup commented "I have seen (and worn) many a jazzy shirt over the years but none as “jazzy” as some of the entries. It has been a pleasure to judge the Jazzy Shirt Competition, well done to all. I particularly liked David’s shirt and thought it screamed Jazzy and fun."