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Arup Community Engagement



Arup solicitor and UKMEA sustainability director Ian Rogers has canoed 100 miles down the River Wye  with his daughter Nina to raise money for an earthquake-hit children’s project in Nepal.

Paddling up to 24 miles a day and camping along the river as they went, Ian and Nina completed their trip in six days during May. In the process they had to negotiate rapids and a demanding tidal stretch of the river.

The adventure raised £2247.00 for the Pegasus Children’s Project and this will be match funded by Arup. Run by Kinley Dhendup and his family, the Pegasus hostel helps rescue children from the streets of Kathmandu and had been badly damaged by the earthquake in April.

Ian and his family had visited Pegasus on a family holiday to Nepal in 2009 and been inspired by the hostel’s work. “For £2 per day per child they provide accommodation, food and education,” Ian explains. “In turn the children leave the hostel able to make a difference to their country. Kinley’s ability to continue and expand that work is dependent on donations from the UK and he needs all the support he can get right now.”

The Pegasus children and staff survived the initial and subsequent quakes but the hostel buildings were badly damaged and their supplies of fuel and food badly affected. Despite this, Kinley and the older children took part in relief efforts for those who are less well provided for.

The money Ian and Nina raised will help support Pegasus as it rebuilds.

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