Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Project overview

Project overview

  • Arup becomes a Foundation Partner for new EWB Connect pro bono initiative.
  • Our involvement will see us reaching out to more communities in Perth.

Arup has become a Foundation Partner for a new initiative by Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and EWB Connect looking to encourage more links between community organisations and the Australian engineering community.

EWB Connect provides a platform to connect community organisations with specialist engineering organisations happy to provide engineering services on a pro bono or reduced fee basis. Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) is a non-for-profit organisation that creates social value through humanitarian engineering. 

Earlier this year, Perth office leader Alistair Avern-Taplin and EWB representative Nicholas Werrett joined EWB CEO Peter Barnard-Smith and Lead Program Manager of EWB Connect Lizzie Brown at the WA EWB Connect launch event to learn about how EWB Connect could help the Perth office deliver more pro bono work to local communities.

Through the program, Engineers at Arup have already provided specialist water engineering services for the Lama Lama people in Cape York in collaboration with The Centre for Appropriate Technology (CAT) and the Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation (YAC).


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