Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Project overview

Project overview

  • The 2015 Earthquakes in Nepal caused extensive and widespread damage to housing.
  • Much of the damage was a result of a lack of consideration for seismic loading in the design of the buildings.
  • Arup are looking to help Nepal build back better, with a focus of low-cost housing in rural and peri-urban areas.

Arup provided high-level technical advice to Architectes Sans Frontieres (ASF) and various government organisations and NGOs in Nepal looking to plan and design for the reconstruction of rural housing which suffered extensive damage in the 2015 earthquakes.

The Arup team provided training on the use of timber and bamboo to NGOs, both of which are strong and sustainable materials that when used appropriately can make safe and durable houses. Andrew Lawrence, a structural engineer specialising in wooden and historic structures, also gave a number of talks to government officials and representatives of relevant NGOs on the correct use of timber for use in permanent structures, and the advantages of timber for use in development and post-disaster construction.

Arup’s provision of high-level technical advice to various NGOs on the design of seismically resistant and durable housing should make a significant difference to rural communities across Nepal. As a result of Arup’s support, local housing will be safer, more appropriate, have a longer life-span and still be affordable.

The team continue to provide Technical advice to ASF on designs for new houses, including logistical and economic factors associated with the post-earthquake rebuild.

After 50 years of RC building in Nepal, it's really exciting to be able to work with local organisations to help reintroduce traditional local materials such as brick, timber and bamboo to create safe durable modern buildings.
Andrew Lawrence (Associate Director, Arup), London
The appropriate use of renewable materials in reconstruction, especially timber and bamboo, is an active way of reducing vulnerability to seismic hazards through good design, while also helping fight climate change and providing new livelihoods for low-income rural workers.
Sebastian Kaminski (Senior Structural Engineer, Arup), London

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