Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Partner overview

The Ove Arup Foundation is an independent charity established in 1989 to honour Sir Ove Arup by supporting education and knowledge sharing in the built environment.

Ove wanted the man-made world to be a better place, and he was deeply concerned about the inability of mankind to make it so. With an infectious enthusiasm for design of all kinds, he was also saddened by the separations dividing the professions working in the built environment, which so often mean that the end result falls far short of its potential.

Today the foundation set up in his memory is committed to nurturing and developing ideas and projects that build towards a sustainable future. It pursues its objectives with an emphasis on the multidisciplinary nature of design in engineering and architecture.

The Ove Arup Foundation’s principal focus is postgraduate and undergraduate education, promoting new thinking and initiatives that are likely to reach a wide audience all round the world. Its work is overseen by a board of trustees, appointed by Arup and including a representative of Ove’s family.

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