Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Partner overview

The Property Industry Foundation (PIF) is a registered charity which raises money from all sectors of the property and construction industry.  We raise in the vicinity of $1.5 million each year and in Victoria we distribute major donations to a number of different children’s charities including Open Family Australia, Lighthouse Foundation, Kids off the Kerb and Good Beginnings.   Our in-kind and cash donations contribute to building projects and tangible projects that will directly benefit homeless children.

Since 1996, when PIF was formed in NSW, it has proved very successful as a forum and a focal point for people in the property and construction industry to use their skills and resources to help solve a very important community problem – youth homelessness.  PIF has been operating in Victoria since late 2008.  Our greatest strength is bringing people together and our networks.

PIF events provide opportunities for industry participants to network and entertain clients, while raising money for youth programs where it’s desperately needed. These include our major fundraising events that we hold annually – the Charity Sailing Challenge, our partnership with the Property Council at their Gala Charity Ball, Corporate Charity Cycling Challenge and National Hard Hat Day. As well as our regular highly-regarded Senior Level Networking Forums and invitation Luncheon Series.

How can you can get involved with PIF?

  • Senior Management (strictly for CEO’s, Partners, Directors, Senior Managers, and Managing Directors): Top Level Networking Forums and Invitation Luncheon Series
  • PAExclusive (PAs and administration staff) program initiatives and volunteering opportunities:

– Stationery Drive

– Chocs for Socks Campaign and Wrap Night

– Hampers, cards and e-cards campaign

– Toiletries drive and Wrap Night

– Event Volunteering opportunities

  • PropertyBlitz (Community minded professionals) program initiatives and volunteering opportunities:

– Lawn Bowls Networking & Fundraising Tournament

– Charity Footy Tipping competition

– Run Melbourne

– Charity Networking & Fundraising Tournament

– Workabees

– Event Volunteering opportunities

  • All staff National Hard Hat & Workplace Giving Campaign and Rebuild A Young Life program - PIF’s major annual fundraising initiatives to raise money for a specific project.