Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Partner overview

The Prince's Trust supports 13 to 30 years old who are unemployed and those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion. Around one in five young people in the UK are not in work, education or training. Youth unemployment costs the UK economy £10 million a day in lost productivity, while youth crime costs £1 billion every year. Many of the young people they help are in or leaving care, facing issues such as homelessness or mental health problems, or have been in trouble with the law.

The programmes give young people the practical and financial support they need to stabilise their lives. They help develop key skills, confidence and motivation, enabling young people to move into work, education or training.

Arup began working on the Fairbridge Programme in 2010.  The Fairbridge programme works with hard to reach young people who are not in education employment or training.  Fairbridge are now part of The Prince’s Trust and continue to deliver this programme to the trust’s hardest to reach young people aged 13-25. It combines one-to-one support and group activities, delivered by a dedicated team in Prince's Trust Centres. The programme helps marginalised and disengaged young people who face a range of issues and barriers in their lives. It empowers them through positive opportunities and experiences and helps them re-engage with society.

In 2014 Arup offices have taken part in three World of Work days (held in Arup office’s with staff taking part ranging from apprentices to directors), Palace to Palace Bike ride, Million Makers (Dragon’s Den style event) which included Beat the Sunset (running event in a London Park) and a Ceilidh, World Cup Sweepstake and bake sales.

Arup supported the Progression Event hosted in a community sports centre aimed at young people wanting to get into employment, education and training in Liverpool and surrounding areas.  Arup staff attending this event also found this to be a positive local networking event.

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