Arup Community Engagement


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Arup Community Engagement

Partner overview

Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders. Their vision is a world in which the communities they serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs. There are seven project types that aim to holistically address the breadth of a community’s needs: water supply, sanitation, civil works, structures, energy, agriculture, and information systems. EWB-USA aims for their members to have enriched global perspectives through the innovative professional educational opportunities that the organization provides. There are professional and university chapters throughout the United States.

Arup started its corporate partnership with EWB-USA in 2011 to encourage and support employee participation with this unique organization. Employees participate in design projects that benefit communities around the world. Each project requires several trips to the project location for initial assessment, implementation and follow-up. These experiences develop employee leadership and design skills while helping a community in need. Additional volunteer opportunities with EWB-USA include mentoring university students and participating or conducting training workshops.

Arup started its corporate partnership with EWB-USA in 2011 to encourage and support employee participation with this unique organization. Employees participate in design projects that benefit communities around the world.
Zak Kostura, Arup, United States

Currently, 10-20 staff members are actively involved with EWB-USA. Recent projects include a water system in Guaimaca, Honduras, a health clinic in Belen, Peru, and a water and sanitation project in Yamabal, El Salvador.