The EDT is the largest provider of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) enrichment activities for the UK youth. Their range of work-related learning schemes provide opportunities for 11-21 year olds to enhance their technical, personal and employability skills through industry-led projects, industrial placements and specialised courses. They help develop partnerships, build links between education and industry and support organisations to reach talent and connect with young engineers and scientists across the UK.
Arup and EDT share a long successful relationship with Arup supporting EDT schemes since 2003. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the two parties in 2010 and was renewed in April 2014. Together the parties wish to provide awareness of the opportunities available to young people in the corporate world and inspire them to consider a future as part of the built environment sector whilst supporting their aspirations for further education, training and employment.
Arup seeks to develop their relationship with EDT as the charitable work that they do support a number of Arup values and policies including:
- Engagement with the local community across the UK.
- Engagement with a group of people that Arup has little interaction with; namely young people aged 13-30 that are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
- Objectives in our UKMEA region's Diversity Strategy, our Global Donations Policy and our overall mission ‘To help shape a better world’.
Arup supports EDT schemes across the UK every year and has built strong relationships with some schools and continues to make new connections. One of the long standing relationships Arup staff in London has is with Fortismere school. A couple of years ago, two staff that had participated in The Engineering Education Scheme with Arup while at school joined the firm. This highlighted the positive impact our work with the EDT can have in promoting the profession and bringing talent to Arup. Around 50 Arup staff every year have an active role in EDT activities.
Arup and EDT share a long successful relationship with Arup supporting EDT schemes since 2003.
Juan R Dominguez, Arup, UK
Arup and EDT continue to adapt their strategic partnership to help put both parties in the optimum position to achieve maximum impact from the time that is put into the relationship. This year Arup targeted more pre-university students who were considering a career in engineering. This has seen a greater commitment from staff and results from the students. Arup will continue to explore more opportunities to make best use of the long standing relationship in the years to come.